Atmospheric Chemistry & Modeling

PKU postdoc hiring 北大博士后招聘(博新、博雅、科研博士后计划)

NEW! CAS/IAP-PKU/DAOS joint postdoc hiring 中科院大气所-北大大气博士后招聘

Group photo in front of the Physics Building (2024/06/13)

First row (left to right): HU Yiwen (胡译文,访问学者), KONG Hao (孔浩), LIN Jintai (林金泰), XU Chenghao (徐呈浩), WANG Sijie (王思杰)

Second row (left to right): YUN Yang (云洋,访问学者), LI Chunjin (李春锦), REN Fangxuan (任芳萱), TAN Wanshan (谭婉珊), WANG Mengying (王梦颖)


Jintai Lin    林金泰    PhD

Boya Distinguished Professor, Department Chair

Office: Physics Building Mid-502

Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871

Tel: 86-010-62767973

Fax: 86-010-62751094




Researcherid, Google scholar, ResearchGate, ORCID, ScholarMate


2003-2008, Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois (UIUC, advisor: Donald J. Wuebbles)

1999-2003, B.A., Economics, Peking University

1999-2003, B.S., Atmospheric Sciences, Peking University

Professional Experience

2023-present, Boya Distinguished Professor, Department Chair, Peking University

2019-2023, Associate Professor with Tenure, Department Chair, Peking University

2016-2019, Associate Professor with Tenure, Peking University

2010-2016, “Bai Ren” Professor, Peking University

2008-2010, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University (advisor: Michael B. McElroy)

2003-2008, Research Assistant, University of Illinois (UIUC, advisor: Donald J. Wuebbles)


2025-2029, Kilometer-resolution synergistic emission inversion of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide based on satellite measurements, NSFC, PI

2023-2027, Multi-source atmospheric environmental data assimilation, MOST, Co-I

2021-2024, NOx pollution over China at high spatial and temporal resolutions, NSFC, PI

2019-2022, The Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program, Co-I

2018-2021, Globalizing air pollution, National Young Talent Support Program, PI

2018-2021, Remote sensing and environmental impact studies of nitrogen oxides over China based on TropOMI and OMI, NSFC, PI

2015-2017, Emissions and atmospheric transport of air pollution, NSFC Excellent Young Scientist Foundation, PI

2014-2018, High-resolution modeling studies of chemistry-climate interactions over China, 973 Project Subject III, Co-I

2012-2015, Observational constraint of direct radiative forcing of aerosols over global land during the past 40 years, NSFC, PI

2011-2013, Satellite-based retrieval of anthropogenic nitrogen oxides emissions over China, NSFC, PI


2024, Selected in "Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Cross-Field" by Clarivate Web of Science

2024, Selected in "World's Top 2% Scientists" (single-year impact list for 2023)

2024, Top Ten Meteorological Scientific and Technological Advances in China for 2023 (Nomination, 1/2)

2023, Selected in "Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Cross-Field" by Clarivate Web of Science

2023, Ministry of Education Changjiang Distinguished Professor

2023, Selected in "World's Top 2% Scientists" (single-year impact list for 2022)

2022, Selected in "World's Top 2% Scientists" (single-year impact list for 2021)

2022, Science Bulletin 2021 Best Editor Award

2021, Science Bulletin 2020 Best Reviewer Award

2021, Selected in "World's Top 2% Scientists" (single-year impact list for 2020)

2020, Selected in "World's Top 2% Scientists" (single-year impact list for 2019)

2020, Outstanding Undergraduate Mentor Award for 2019, School of Physics, Peking University

2018, "WANG Xuan" Young Scholar Fellowship, Peking University

2018, Enrolled in the National Young Talent Support Program

2017, American Geophysical Union Global Environmental Change Early Career Award, among four awardees

2017, Rising Scientist Outstanding Contribution Award, among 60 awardees in all fields

2016, Outstanding Research Funded by NSFC (2011-2015) , among 25 works in geosciences

2016, Featured in NSFC magazine < Science Foundation in China>

2015, "TU Changwang" Science and Technology Award for Young Meteorologist (first place), Chinese Meteorological Society

2015, PNAS Cozzarelli Prize for 2014, among six out of 3500 papers published in PNAS

2014, Excellent Young Scientist Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China

2014, National Science and Technology Award for Young Meteorologist, Chinese Meteorological Society, among 10 awardees under the age of 40

2014, National Excellent Young Meteorologist, Chinese Meteorological Society, among 100 awardees under the age of 40

2013, "CHEN Huxiong" Young Teacher Award, Peking University School of Physics

2008, Ogura student research paper award honorable mention, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Atmospheric Sciences (paper)

Editorial Service

2024-2025, Guest Editor of Remote Sensing Special Issue on Satellite Observations for Particulate Matter and Gaseous Pollutants Research

2023-2024, Guest Editor of Environmental Research Letters Focus Issue on Nature-based Solutions Toward Sustainability

2023-2024, Guest Editor of Environmental Research Letters Focus Issue on Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Environmental Change

2023-2024, Guest Editor of Frontiers of Earth Science Special Issue honoring the outstanding scientific contributions of Prof. Donald James Wuebbles

2023-2027, Member of Editorial Board of Plateau Meteorology (常务青年编委)

2021-2022, Guest Editor of Environmental Research Letters Focus Issue on Towards carbon-neutral sustainable development of China

2021, Guest Editor of National Remote Sensing Bulletin Special Issue on Remote Sensing and Synergic Anaysis on Atmospheric Environment

2020-2021, Guest Editor of Environmental Research Letters Focus Issue on Satellite Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Environment over Asia

2020-present, Member of Executive Board of Environmental Research Letters

2019-2022, Member of Science Bulletin Editorial Board Executive Board

2018-present, Member of Editorial Board of Advances in Climate Change Research

2018-2019, Member of Advisory Board of Environmental Research Letters

2016-2018, Invited Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Meteorological Research Special Issue on Plateau Meteorology and Environment

2016-present, Member of Editorial Board of the Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences

2015-present, Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Meteorological Research

Organization Service

2024-present, Member of World Young Scientist Summit Academic Committee

2022-present, Member of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences Committee on Pollutant Emissions and Control

2021-present, Member of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences Committee on Environmental Information System and Remote Sensing

2021-present, Member of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences Committee on Ozone

2020-2028, Member of the IAMAS China National Committee

2018, Member of Academic Board of China Graduate Forum on Global Change

2017-present, Co-Director of Peking University AOS - Harvard University EPS Climate and Environment Collaborative

2014-present, Member of Chinese Meteorological Society Committee on Atmospheric Composition

2013-present, Member of GEOS-Chem Steering Committee

2013-present, Co-Chair of GEOS-Chem "Emissions and Surface Deposition" Working Group

Meeting Organization

2024, Primary Convener of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2024, Convener of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Machine Learning and Other Novel Techniques in Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences: Application and Development"

2024, Convener of EGU General Assembly Session "Machine Learning and Other Novel Techniques in Atmospheric and Environmental Science: Application and Development"

2023, Primary Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2023, Session Convener and Chair of the Forum on Emerging Pollutants Prevention, Control and Mitigation

2023, Session Convener and Chair of the AERSS Annual Meeting 2023

2023, Session Convener, Chair and Organizing Committee Member of the Third Forum on Remote Sensing and Synergic Analysis on Atmospheric Environment

2023, Session Convener of the Eighth Young Earth Scholar Forum

2022, Primary Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2022, Session Primary Convener and Chair of the 28th Conference on China Atmospheric Environmental Science and Technology

2022, Convener and Chair of AOGS Annual Convention Session

2021, Primary Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2021, Co-Chair of Environmental Research 2021 Conference

2021, Chair of Environmental Research Workshop: Towards Carbon-Newtral Sustainable Development in China

2021, Member of the Organizing Committee of the Second Forum on Remote Sensing and Synergic Analysis on Atmospheric Environment

2020, Primary Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2020, Session Primary Convener and Chair of the 26th Conference on China Atmospheric Environmental Science and Technology

2020, Member of the Organizing Committee of the First Young Scientist Forum on Remote Sensing and Synergic Anaysis on Atmospheric Environment

2020, Scientific Committee member of ISPRS Workshop on Remote Sensing and Synergic Analysis on Atmospheric Environment (postponed)

2019, Primary Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2019, Session Primary Convener and Chair of the 25th Conference on China Atmospheric Environmental Science and Technology (Invited)

2019, Session Convener and Chair of ISPRS Workshop on Remote Sensing and Synergic Analysis on Atmospheric Environment (Invited)

2018, Primary Convener of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2017, Primary Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2017, Convener and Chair of Peking University-Harvard University Graduate Summer School on Climate and Atmospheric Environmental Change

2016, Primary Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in East Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2015, Primary Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session "Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in East Asia and Its Interactions with the World"

2015, Chair of AOGS Annual Meeting Oral Session (Invited)

2014, Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session

2013, Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session

2012, Convener and Chair of AGU Fall Meeting Session

International Review

2021, 2022 WMO/UNEP Ozone Assessment (Chapter 7)

2021, Israel Science Foundation grant

2017, 2018 WMO/UNEP Ozone Assessment (Chapter 6)

2016, SPARC CCl4 Assessment Report

2016, Netherlands Space Office grant

2013, 2014 WMO/UNEP Ozone Assessment (Chapter 5)

2012, Israel Science Foundation grant

2012, Swedish National Space Board grant

Invited Presentations at International Conferences

2023, AOGS Annual Meeting

2016, AOGS Annual Meeting

2015, AGU Fall Meeting

2015, AOGS Annual Meeting (two sessions)

2012, EGU Annual Assembly

Yuhang Zhang 张宇航   2020-present (PhD student)

Research interest: Satellite remote sensing, global atmospheric pollution


Personal webpage

Fangxuan Ren 任芳萱   2021-present (PhD student)

Research interest: Trade-related pollution, aerosol-climate interaction


Personal webpage

Chenghao Xu 徐呈浩   2021-present (PhD student)

Research interest: Transboundary pollution


Personal webpage

Sijie Wang 王思杰   2022-present (PhD student)

Research interest: Satellite remote sensing


Personal webpage

Wanshan Tan 谭婉珊   2023-present (PhD student)

Research interest: Satellite remote sensing


Personal webpage

Mengying Wang 王梦颖   2024-present (PhD student)

Research interest: Satellite remote sensing


Personal webpage

Haitian Gao 高海恬   2024-present (Prospective PhD student)

Research interest: Emission constraint & AI for emission


Personal webpage

Hao Kong

Hao Kong 孔浩   Postdoctoral Fellow

Research interest: Satellite remote sensing & Emission constraint


Personal webpage

Yiwen Hu

Yiwen Hu 胡译文   Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow

Research interest: Atmospheric chemistry & Data assimilation


Personal webpage

1. Trade and environment:

2. Chemical transport modeling:

3. Satellite remote sensing and AI:

Yang Yun from Inner Mongolia Big Data Center 内蒙古自治区大数据中心云洋 (2023-2024)

Sophia Szu and Sabrina Szu from a high school in California (Summer 2014)

Yuanzheng Cui from The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学崔远政 (2015-2018)

Zhilin Liu from NICE 北京低碳清洁研究所刘之琳 (2016-2017)

Lei Sun from Shandong University 山东大学孙雷 (2016-2017)

Chunjiang Zhou from IAP/CAS 中科院大气所周春江 (2017-2022)

Su Wang from IAP/CAS 中科院大气所王素 (2017-2018)

Sixuan Li from IAP/CAS 中科院大气所李思萱 (2017-2020)

Yingnan Zhang from Shandong University 山东大学张英南 (2021)

Current Position
Coauthored Paper

Chunin Li 李春锦



State-Owned Company in Fujian Province



Junwei Xu 许俊玮




Hongjian Weng 翁宏健



Engineer, China Satellite Network Group Co., Ltd



Lulu Chen 陈璐璐



Postdoc at Peking University (Advisor: Shu Tao)



Xiaomiao Jiao 焦小淼



Associate researcher, China Coal Research Institute



Jamiu Adeniran



Lecturer, University of Ilorin


Mingxi Du 杜鸣溪



Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University



Jingxu Wang 王旌旭



Lecturer, Ocean University of China



Ruijing Ni 倪睿婧



Postdoc at MPI-C (Advisor: Hang Su and Yafang Cheng)



Mengyao Liu 刘梦瑶



Research Scientist (tenured) at KNMI



Yingying Yan 燕莹莹



Associate Professor, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)



Ziwei Wang 王子维



PhD student

Univ. Chicago


Jiawei Zhuang 庄佳威



PhD student

Harvard Univ.

Yi Zhang 张祎



PhD, Princeton U.

Miller Postdoc Fellow at UC Berkeley


Yuchen Wang 王宇晨



PhD, Tokyo U.

Postdoc at JAMSTEC, Japan

ACP paper

Chenggong Wang 王成功



PhD student

Peking Univ.

Lingxiao Wang 王凌霄



MS student



Yinrui Li 李尹睿



PhD student



Xu Chen 陈旭



PhD student

Princeton Univ.


Zhen Qu 曲珍



PhD, U. Colorado

Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University

Da Pan 潘达



PhD, Princeton U.

Postdoc at Colorado State University

PNAS paper

with news coverage

Ruixiong Zhang 张睿雄



PhD, Georgia Tech

Data and Applied Scientist Manager at Microsoft

ACP paper

Qian Cheng 程倩



PhD student

Peking Univ.

Zhaoyi Shen 沈肇怡



PhD student

Princeton Univ.

ACP paper

This page was last modified at May 9, 2024, 6:57 a.m. (UTC). This page has been accessed 28423 times

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